First Selectman Debate 2023

"What Would Tanya Do?"

First Selectman candidate Tanya Bourgoin welcomes your questions about how she would address the issues facing East Haddam. Read her responses here and at Additionally you can email your questions to Tanya at

1) What is your thinking about the current challenge with ambulance service in town - so, the current conflict with EHAA and the town seeking to have the PSA transferred to the fire department. Will you continue to seek the PSA transfer to the fire department? If not, how will you approach the town’s relationship with EHAA moving forward, including EHAA’s current budget shortfall and their request for town funding?

  • Sadly, the town’s long-standing relationship with EHAA has grown more complicated in recent years. Currently, hearings are being held at the state level that may potentially limit the options the town has for reaching a resolution. As I understand it, one of the things that has exacerbated the current discord is the absence of routine involvement from the current administration which had been customary in previous town administrations. I have been examining this issue but I haven’t yet had the opportunity to speak to all sides. Without benefit of hearing from all concerned parties, it is impossible for me to give a definitive answer on how best to solve this conflict. I can say with certainty that our residents should never have to question whether emergency medical services will arrive in a timely fashion when needed nor should they have to wonder if their first responders are properly trained and motivated to help. They should also not be unduly burdened by extravagant costs incurred in a time of crisis. I have no doubt that this objective is shared by both the EHAA and the fire department so I will use this common goal as a starting point to rebuild a strong and stable EMS system that seeks to keep our community safe and our costs reasonable. If elected, I will appoint an objective ad-hoc bipartisan committee to fully research and vet all of the available options and we will implement the best plan possible to provide cost effective services. While I realize that this is not the pointed answer some might hope for, it would be irresponsible of me to make any sort of recommendation or render judgment until I have all of the available information.

2) There is currently a redevelopment proposal being considered by the Redevelopment Agency for the town properties in East Haddam near the Goodspeed. The idea of using TIFF financing to enable that development to move forward has now been raised. Would you support the redevelopment proposal moving forward generally and, if so, do you support the use of TIFF financing to help these developers accomplish their redevelopment project?

  • This is a project which will have long term impacts on the character and direction of our town. I will fully support any plan that respects the nature of our town and reflects the desires of our community. We have a unique opportunity to create a framework that will promote established business owners, encourage new entrepreneurial pursuits and drive responsible growth. If done properly, the redevelopment can provide revenue for the town and direct benefit to homeowners by broadening the tax base while also promoting the natural and cultural assets for residents and visitors. TIF is one of several value asset management tools available to us and may be the most appropriate once a proposal that suits the needs of our town has been approved. The most important factor for me is finding a proposal that fits our community’s vision of what we want for East Haddam for the decades to come.

3) As I am sure you are aware, the budget referendum has now failed twice and in the meantime the BOS set the mil rate to reflect the proposed budget amount (the one that was voted down twice). Would you have set the mil rate in July to reflect the proposed budget that had already failed at the first referendum, or would you have set the mil rate based on last year’s budget (the last budget approved by town residents) given that the voters rejected the proposed budget twice? Given that the budget has failed twice, what specific budget cuts would you propose, if any, and what are your thoughts as to whether taxpayers should/could receive a decrease or a rebate in their next tax bill in January IF a lower budget ultimately passes this September or at a later time if the next referendum also fails.

  • I hesitate to say decisively what I would do in a situation in which I was not directly involved. However after having the budget fail at referendum, setting the mil rate based on last year’s budget would have been the more fair and prudent choice and is likely what I would have done. Going forward, I will go line by line to ensure that every expenditure in every department is necessary and cost effective. Without cutting education or critical services, I will eliminate any redundancies in spending. I will employ as many cost saving measures as possible and explore every available avenue for outside sources of funding, such as state and federal grant money. In talking with people who have more knowledge of the intricacies of the tax laws, it seems that tax rebates are not a legally viable option at this juncture, regardless of whether they are warranted. The excess monies collected from this year’s overtaxation can and should be used to help balance the budget next year thereby reducing the tax burden in the future.

The common theme in all of the challenges presently facing East Haddam is that we are under leadership that rushes to conclusions, makes rash determinations, is not responsive to the will of the people, is reluctant to seek alternative solutions and lacks longterm vision. Making uninformed and hasty decisions without transparency only ever leads to more disputes and further dissension. I will work to find the best outcomes for these challenges, not settle for the easiest or the quickest. I will heed the input of the townspeople and I will make sure that the process is open and information is accessible.